conn = $conn; // Define the Twilio account information and object. $_sid = "<_SID_>"; $token = "<_TOKEN_>"; $this->twilio = new Client($_sid, $token); } // Database -> Update the database table public function update_user_info($action, $to_phone, $from_phone, $emergency_phone){ if($action == "new"){ // Add the given user information to the database table. $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `entries`(`to_phone`, `from_phone`, `emergency_phone`, `date`, `location`, `class`) VALUES ('$to_phone', '$from_phone', '$emergency_phone', 'X', 'X', 'X')" ; if(mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql_insert)) echo("User information added to the database successfully!"); }else if($action == "update"){ // Update the given user information in the database table. $sql_update = "UPDATE `entries` SET `to_phone`='$to_phone', `from_phone`='$from_phone', `emergency_phone`='$emergency_phone' WHERE `id`=1" ; if(mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql_update)) echo("User information updated successfully!"); } } // Save the latest model detection results and the device location to the database table. public function save_results($action, $date, $location, $class){ if($action == "save"){ // Fetch the stored user information to add to the new data record. $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `entries`(`to_phone`, `from_phone`, `emergency_phone`, `date`, `location`, `class`) SELECT `to_phone`, `from_phone`, `emergency_phone`, '$date', '$location', '$class' FROM `entries` WHERE id=1" ; if(mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql_insert)) echo("New data record inserted successfully!"); } } // Obtain the required user information from the database table. private function get_user_info(){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM `entries` WHERE id=1"; $result = mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql); $check = mysqli_num_rows($result); if($check > 0 && $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){ return $row; } } // Retrieve the required location variables from the database table. private function get_loc_vars(){ $loc_vars = []; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `entries` WHERE id!=1 ORDER BY `id` DESC"; $result = mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql); $check = mysqli_num_rows($result); while($check > 0 && $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){ array_push($loc_vars, $row); } return $loc_vars; } // Transfer a WhatsApp message to the registered primary emergency contact via Twilio. private function Twilio_send_whatsapp($body){ // Get user information. $info = $this->get_user_info(); // Configure the WhatsApp object. $whatsapp_message = $this->twilio->messages ->create("whatsapp:".$info["to_phone"], array( "from" => "whatsapp:+14155238886", "body" => $body ) ); // Send the WhatsApp message. echo(" WhatsApp SID: ".$whatsapp_message->sid); } // Send an SMS to the registered secondary emergency contact via Twilio. private function Twilio_send_SMS($body){ // Get user information. $info = $this->get_user_info(); // Configure the SMS object. $sms_message = $this->twilio->messages ->create($info["emergency_phone"], array( "from" => $info["from_phone"], "body" => $body ) ); // Send the SMS. echo(" SMS SID: ".$sms_message->sid); } // Inform the user's emergency contacts via SMS or WhatsApp, depending on the given command. public function notify_contacts($command, $date, $location){ // Decode the received location parameters. $loc_vars = explode(",", $location); $lat = $loc_vars[0]; $long = $loc_vars[1]; $alt = $loc_vars[2]; // Notify the emergency contacts. if($command == "fine"){ $message_body = "😄 👍 I am doing well. I just wanted to add this location as a breadcrumb 😄 👍" ."\n\r\n\r⏰ Date: ".$date ."\n\r\n\r✈️ Altitude: ".$alt ."\n\r\n\r📌 Current Location:\n\r".$lat."%2C".$long; $this->Twilio_send_whatsapp($message_body); } else if($command == "danger"){ $message_body = "⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ I do not feel safe and may be in peril ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️" ."\n\r\n\r⏰ Date: ".$date ."\n\r\n\r✈️ Altitude: ".$alt ."\n\r\n\r📌 Current Location:\n\r".$lat."%2C".$long; $this->Twilio_send_whatsapp($message_body); } else if($command == "assist"){ $message_body = "♿ ♿ ♿ I may need your assistance due to restrictive layouts ♿ ♿ ♿" ."\n\r\n\r⏰ Date: ".$date ."\n\r\n\r✈️ Altitude: ".$alt ."\n\r\n\r📌 Current Location:\n\r".$lat."%2C".$long; $this->Twilio_send_whatsapp($message_body); } else if($command == "stolen"){ $message_body = "💰 👮🏻 💰 Someone managed to purloin my valuables near this location 💰 👮🏻 💰" ."\n\r\n\r⏰ Date: ".$date ."\n\r\n\r✈️ Altitude: ".$alt ."\n\r\n\r📌 Current Location:\n\r".$lat."%2C".$long; $this->Twilio_send_whatsapp($message_body); } else if($command == "call"){ $message_body = "📞 ☎️ 📞 Please inform my first emergency contact that I am near this location 📞 ☎️ 📞" ."\n\r\n\r⏰ Date: ".$date ."\n\r\n\r✈️ Altitude: ".$alt ."\n\r\n\r📌 Current Location:\n\r\n\r".$lat."%2C".$long; $this->Twilio_send_SMS($message_body); } } // Transfer thorough location inspections generated by Google Maps to emergency contacts when requested via WhatsApp. public function generate_feedback($command){ // Obtain the latest location variables in the database table. $loc_vars = $this->get_loc_vars(); // Generate the requested feedback via Google Maps. $message_body = ""; switch($command){ case "Route Walking": if(count($loc_vars) >= 2){ $message_body = "🚶 Estimated Walking Path:\n\r\n\r" ."📌 Origin ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[1]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[1]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r📌 Destination ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[0]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[0]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r" .explode(",", $loc_vars[1]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[1]["location"])[1]."&destination=" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[1] ."&travelmode=walking"; }else{ $message_body = "⛔ Insufficient data for the requested analysis."; } break; case "Route Bicycling": if(count($loc_vars) >= 2){ $message_body = "🚴 Estimated Bicycling Path:\n\r\n\r" ."📌 Origin ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[1]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[1]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r📌 Destination ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[0]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[0]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r" .explode(",", $loc_vars[1]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[1]["location"])[1]."&destination=" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[1] ."&travelmode=bicycling"; }else{ $message_body = "⛔ Insufficient data for the requested analysis."; } break; case "Route Driving": if(count($loc_vars) >= 2){ $message_body = "🚗 Estimated Driving Path:\n\r\n\r" ."📌 Origin ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[1]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[1]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r📌 Destination ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[0]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[0]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r" .explode(",", $loc_vars[1]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[1]["location"])[1]."&destination=" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[1] ."&travelmode=driving"; }else{ $message_body = "⛔ Insufficient data for the requested analysis."; } break; case "Show Waypoints": if(count($loc_vars) >= 4){ $message_body = "🛣️ 📍 Estimated Driving Path w/ Waypoints:\n\r\n\r" ."📌 Origin ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[3]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[3]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r📌 Destination ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[0]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[0]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r" .explode(",", $loc_vars[3]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[3]["location"])[1]."&waypoints=" .explode(",", $loc_vars[2]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[2]["location"])[1]."%7C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[1]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[1]["location"])[1]."&destination=" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[1] ."&travelmode=driving"; }else{ $message_body = "⛔ Insufficient data for the requested analysis."; } break; case "Terrain View": if(count($loc_vars) >= 1){ $message_body = "⛰️ Terrain View of the Latest Location:\n\r\n\r" ."📌 Latest ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[0]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[0]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r¢er=" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[1] ."&zoom=12&basemap=terrain&layer=bicycling"; }else{ $message_body = "⛔ Insufficient data for the requested analysis."; } break; case "Satellite View": if(count($loc_vars) >= 1){ $message_body = "🛰️ Satellite View of the Latest Location:\n\r\n\r" ."📌 Latest ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[0]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[0]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r¢er=" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[1] ."&zoom=12&basemap=satellite&layer=traffic"; }else{ $message_body = "⛔ Insufficient data for the requested analysis."; } break; case "Street View": if(count($loc_vars) >= 1){ $message_body = "🚀 🌎 Wander through the streets near the latest location:\n\r\n\r" ."📌 Center ➡️\n\r" ."🕜 ".$loc_vars[0]["date"] ."\n\r🔎 ".$loc_vars[0]["class"] ."\n\r\n\r" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[0]."%2C" .explode(",", $loc_vars[0]["location"])[1] ."&heading=90"; }else{ $message_body = "⛔ Insufficient data for the requested analysis."; } break; default: $message_body = "🤖 👉 Please utilize the supported commands:\n\r\n\r➡️ Route Walking\n\r\n\r➡️ Route Bicycling\n\r\n\r➡️ Route Driving\n\r\n\r➡️ Show Waypoints\n\r\n\r➡️ Terrain View\n\r\n\r➡️ Satellite View\n\r\n\r➡️ Street View"; break; } // Transmit the generated feedback. $this->Twilio_send_whatsapp($message_body); } } // Define database and server settings: $server = array( "name" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "", "database" => "emergency_assistant" ); $conn = mysqli_connect($server["name"], $server["username"], $server["password"], $server["database"]); ?>