token = $token; $this->web_path = $server.$token; $this->conn = $conn; $this->table = $table; } // Telegram: public function send_message($chat_id, $string){ $new_message = $this->web_path."/sendMessage?chat_id=".$chat_id."&text=".urlencode($string); file_get_contents($new_message); } public function send_photo($chat_id, $photo, $caption){ $new_photo = $this->web_path."/sendPhoto?chat_id=".$chat_id."&photo=".$photo."&caption=".$caption; file_get_contents($new_photo); } // Database -> Insert Data: public function insert_new_data($x_axis, $y_axis, $z_axis, $date){ $sql = "INSERT INTO `$this->table`(`x_axis`, `y_axis`, `z_axis`, `date`) VALUES ('$x_axis', '$y_axis', '$z_axis', '$date')"; mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql); } // Database -> Retrieve Data: public function get_data_from_database(){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM `$this->table` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql); if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){ return $row; } } // Database -> Create Table public function database_create_table(){ // Create a new database table. $sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `$this->table`( id int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, x_axis varchar(255) NOT NULL, y_axis varchar(255) NOT NULL, z_axis varchar(255) NOT NULL, `date` varchar(255) NOT NULL );"; if(mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql_create)) echo("

Database Table Created Successfully!"); // Insert the default data items as the first row into the given database table. $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `$this->table`(`x_axis`, `y_axis`, `z_axis`, `date`) VALUES ('0,0', '0,0', '0,0', 'default')"; if(mysqli_query($this->conn, $sql_insert)) echo("

Default Data Items Inserted Successfully!"); } } // Define database and server settings: $server = array( "name" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "bot", "database" => "telegram3dprinter", "table" => "entries" ); $conn = mysqli_connect($server["name"], $server["username"], $server["password"], $server["database"]); // Define the new 'printer_tracker' object: $printer_tracker = new IoT_3D_printer_tracker(); $bot_token = "<_____________________>"; // e.g., 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11 $printer_tracker->__init__($bot_token, "", $conn, $server["table"]); // Get updates on the 3D printer's lateral and vertical motions (X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis) from Raspberry Pi Pico so as to detect potential malfunctions. if(isset($_POST["x_axis"]) && isset($_POST["y_axis"]) && isset($_POST["z_axis"])){ // Obtain the latest printer motions stored in the given database table. $row = $printer_tracker->get_data_from_database(); $previous_motions = [ "x_axis" => [intval(explode(",", $row["x_axis"])[0]), intval(explode(",", $row["x_axis"])[1])], "y_axis" => [intval(explode(",", $row["y_axis"])[0]), intval(explode(",", $row["y_axis"])[1])], "z_axis" => [intval(explode(",", $row["z_axis"])[0]), intval(explode(",", $row["z_axis"])[1])] ]; // Obtain the current printer motions transferred by Raspberry Pi Pico. $motions = [ "x_axis" => [intval(explode(",", $_POST["x_axis"])[0]), intval(explode(",", $_POST["x_axis"])[1])], "y_axis" => [intval(explode(",", $_POST["y_axis"])[0]), intval(explode(",", $_POST["y_axis"])[1])], "z_axis" => [intval(explode(",", $_POST["z_axis"])[0]), intval(explode(",", $_POST["z_axis"])[1])] ]; // Send the current printer motions to the given Telegram bot. $chat_id = ""; // 1496498083 $date = date("Y/m/d__h:i:s A"); $printer_tracker->send_message($chat_id, "📌 Recent Printer Movements:\n\n ⌛ $date\n\n ➡️ X-Axis: ".$_POST["x_axis"]."\n\n ⬇️ Y-Axis: ".$_POST["y_axis"]."\n\n ⬆️ Z-Axis: ".$_POST["z_axis"]); // Check for potential malfunctions related to the printer's lateral or vertical motion. if($previous_motions["x_axis"][0] == $motions["x_axis"][0] && $previous_motions["x_axis"][1] == $motions["x_axis"][1] && $previous_motions["y_axis"][0] == $motions["y_axis"][0] && $previous_motions["y_axis"][1] == $motions["y_axis"][1] && $previous_motions["z_axis"][0] == $motions["z_axis"][0] && $previous_motions["z_axis"][1] == $motions["z_axis"][1]){ $printer_tracker->send_message($chat_id, "⛔ 3D Printer is not working!"); }else{ if($previous_motions["x_axis"][0] == $motions["x_axis"][0] && $previous_motions["x_axis"][1] == $motions["x_axis"][1]){ $printer_tracker->send_message($chat_id, "⚠️ X-Axis: Potential Malfunction Detected!"); } if($previous_motions["y_axis"][0] == $motions["y_axis"][0] && $previous_motions["y_axis"][1] == $motions["y_axis"][1]){ $printer_tracker->send_message($chat_id, "⚠️ Y-Axis: Potential Malfunction Detected!"); } if($previous_motions["z_axis"][0] == $motions["z_axis"][0] && $previous_motions["z_axis"][1] == $motions["z_axis"][1]){ $printer_tracker->send_message($chat_id, "⚠️ Z-Axis: Potential Malfunction Detected!"); } } // Send a schematic describing 3D printer motions. $printer_tracker->send_photo($chat_id, "", "3D Printer Motions"); // Save the current printer motions to the given database table. $printer_tracker->insert_new_data($_POST["x_axis"], $_POST["y_axis"], $_POST["z_axis"], $date); echo("Data Saved and Transferred to the Telegram Bot Successfully!"); }else{ echo("Waiting for new data..."); } // If requested, create a new database table, including the default data items in the first row. if(isset($_GET["create_table"]) && $_GET["create_table"] == "OK") $printer_tracker->database_create_table(); ?>