__init__($conn); # Get the current date and time. $date = date("Y_m_d_H_i_s"); # Define the resulting image file name. $img_file = "%s_".$date; // If FireBeetle 2 ESP32-S3 sends the model detection results, save the received information to the detections MySQL database table. if(isset($_GET["results"]) && isset($_GET["class"]) && isset($_GET["x"])){ $img_file = sprintf($img_file, $_GET["class"]); if($anomaly->insert_new_results($date, $img_file.".jpg", $_GET["class"])){ echo "Detection Results Saved Successfully!"; }else{ echo "Database Error!"; } } // If FireBeetle 2 ESP32-S3 transfers a resulting image after running the object detection model, save the received raw image buffer (RGB565) as a TXT file to the detections folder. if(!empty($_FILES["resulting_image"]['name'])){ // Image File: $received_img_properties = array( "name" => $_FILES["resulting_image"]["name"], "tmp_name" => $_FILES["resulting_image"]["tmp_name"], "size" => $_FILES["resulting_image"]["size"], "extension" => pathinfo($_FILES["resulting_image"]["name"], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ); // Check whether the uploaded file's extension is in the allowed file formats. $allowed_formats = array('jpg', 'png', 'bmp', 'txt'); if(!in_array($received_img_properties["extension"], $allowed_formats)){ echo 'FILE => File Format Not Allowed!'; }else{ // Check whether the uploaded file size exceeds the 5 MB data limit. if($received_img_properties["size"] > 5000000){ echo "FILE => File size cannot exceed 5MB!"; }else{ // Save the uploaded file (image). move_uploaded_file($received_img_properties["tmp_name"], "./detections/".$img_file.".".$received_img_properties["extension"]); echo "FILE => Saved Successfully!"; } } // Convert the recently saved RGB565 buffer (TXT file) to a JPG image file by executing the rgb565_converter.py file. // Transmit the passed bounding box measurements (query parameters) as Python Arguments. $raw_convert = shell_exec('python "C:\Users\kutlu\New E\xampp\htdocs\mechanical_anomaly_detector\detections\rgb565_converter.py" --x='.$_GET["x"].' --y='.$_GET["y"].' --w='.$_GET["w"].' --h='.$_GET["h"]); print($raw_convert); // After generating the JPG file, remove the converted TXT file from the server. unlink("./detections/".$img_file.".txt"); // After saving the generated JPG file and the received model detection results to the MySQL database table successfully, // send an SMS to the given user phone number via Twilio in order to inform the user of the latest detection results, including the resulting image. $message_body = "⚠️🚨⚙️ Anomaly Detected ⚠️🚨⚙️" ."\n\r\n\r📌 Faulty Part: ".$_GET["class"] ."\n\r\n\r⏰ Date: ".$date ."\n\r\n\r🌐 🖼️".$img_file.".jpg" ."\n\r\n\r📲 Please refer to the Android application to inspect the resulting image index."; $anomaly->Twilio_send_SMS($message_body); } ?>